adam-will this camp in dublin be like the one in bIrdning/b? do you know if one can watch the training sessions there? I cannot find further information..but I am very interested. b....../b No I would not believe anything mundo writes because they are a barcelona newspaper and actually the reason Zidane was not at the presentations is because he is out on bvacation/b so its not true plus if any chance it was true then MARCA or AS would of picked up the story which they have not ...
Irdning sigue siendo el cuartel general del Madrid: lo fue de Capello el verano pasado y ahora lo es de Schuster. Pero, en una sola semana el peque?o pueblo austriaco (unos 1.800 habitantes) ha sido testigo de la revolución schusteriana ...
Ma per quel del futuro, non troppo lontano: diciamo la prossima estate. Comunque sia, parole che contano e che fanno piacere ai tifosi e al club partenopeo. In ritiro con il Real Madrid a Irdning, in Austria, il Pallone d'oro ha parlato ...