Plan miasta Irdning

Irdning - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Where To Watch Karim Benzema#39;s Live Presentation At The Santiago b.../b

adam-will this camp in dublin be like the one in bIrdning/b? do you know if one can watch the training sessions there? I cannot find further information..but I am very interested. b....../b No I would not believe anything mundo writes because they are a barcelona newspaper and actually the reason Zidane was not at the presentations is because he is out on bvacation/b so its not true plus if any chance it was true then MARCA or AS would of picked up the story which they have not ...
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Fans del Real Madrid: Tiqui-Taca salvaje

Irdning sigue siendo el cuartel general del Madrid: lo fue de Capello el verano pasado y ahora lo es de Schuster. Pero, en una sola semana el peque?o pueblo austriaco (unos 1.800 habitantes) ha sido testigo de la revolución schusteriana ...
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La confessione di Cannavaro

Ma per quel del futuro, non troppo lontano: diciamo la prossima estate. Comunque sia, parole che contano e che fanno piacere ai tifosi e al club partenopeo. In ritiro con il Real Madrid a Irdning, in Austria, il Pallone d'oro ha parlato ...
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